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CAPS hydro

So things run smoothly!

The bladder is a weak point for so many women. Often enough, all we have to do is sit down for a moment on a cold bench, or we’re a bit more stressed than usual, and the unpleasant symptoms start kicking in – burning, dragging pain or pressure. The most frequently used solution for urinary tract and bladder problems is probably an antibiotic. Naturally, this can be appropriate after a thorough medical examination and advice, and depending on the severity of the complaint. However, antibiotics are not suitable for very frequent or continuous use because they can have a negative impact on the gut and the vaginal flora. But what else can we do apart from taking antibiotics to strengthen and protect our bladder, and keep it healthy?

Spoiler Alert: CAPS hydro can play a huge role! 


Urinary tract infections are mainly caused by bacteria from the intestinal tract, fungi or chlamydiae. Once these microorganisms have made their way into our urinary tract or bladder, infection isn’t usually far off. What plays a key role here is the way the bacteria adhere to the surface of the germs. Because the bacteria cling on to the wall of the bladder, this prevents the elimination of harmful microoganisms via urine. On the contrary: the level of bacteria may even increase!


These hero ingredients are what make CAPS hydro so special!

The substances in CAPS hydro are perfectly matched and complement each other optimally to benefit your entire urinary tract. There is no silver bullet or all-powerful substance against bladder complaints. But the unique interaction of hibiscus flower extract, D-mannose, cranberry and other ingredients comes pretty close.


Spotlight on hero ingredient #1: D-mannose

D-mannose is what is known as a simple sugar and is present in many different fruits such as apples or oranges. It has similar binding sites to the interior wall of the urinary tract where bacteria stick. Therefore the presence of D-mannose means that the bacteria prefer to attach themselves there rather than to the body’s mucous membranes. This makes it easier to eliminate bacteria via urine. However, if these bacteria actually do make their way in, taking D-mannose can certainly help. That’s because D-mannose can bind to mannose-sensitive types of bacteria and therefore make it more difficult for them to attach themselves to mucous membrane or, in a best-case scenario, even prevent it entirely. And if the bacteria can’t attach themselves to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, they are washed out with the urine before an infection can happen. In addition, D-mannose also stops the bacteria from forming a biofilm. D-mannose is entirely plant-derived and is the ideal way to support the bladder and urinary tract in a natural way.


Spotlight on hero ingredient #2: cranberry

Although D-mannose can bind with mannose-sensitive bacteria to prevent them from attaching themselves to the mucous membrane, there are other bacteria which are not mannose-sensitive. In fact, they are mannose-resistant! And, as the name tells you, D-mannose can’t do anything about these types of bacteria. However, with CAPS hydro that’s not a problem because cranberry also comes into play! In conjunction with D-mannose it forms the perfect symbiosis in the fight against bacteria in the urinary tract. Cranberries are rich in proanthocyanidins (PACs) as well in Vitamin C, iron and antioxidants. The substances in cranberry ensure that mannose-resistant bacteria are also impeded, and cannot attach themselves to the bladder wall. In addition, cranberry promotes the fast flushing out of bacteria. 


Spotlight on hero ingredient #3: painted nettle (coleus) root extract

The biofilm is often responsible for the recurrence of urinary tract infections. Forskolin, the main active substance in painted nettle root extract prevents bacteria from hiding from medicines and the body’s immune system in a biofilm, where they can reproduce. This substance causes the bacteria to return to the surface of the cell. Which means that bacteria can be flushed out better and faster. 


Spotlight on hero ingredient #4: hibiscus flower extract

Hibiscus flower extract is rich in hibiscus fruit acids and phenolic compounds. It can have an antimicrobial effect and inhibit the formation of biofilm, as well as the attachment and reproduction of undesirable germs that cause urinary tract infections. Hibiscus also has a diuretic effect which means that the germs that bind to the D-mannose and cranberry are flushed out quickly. 


Spotlight on hero ingredient #5: niacin from buckwheat germ powder

The niacin in CAPS hydro contributes to a healthy and therefore intact mucous membrane. This is an important protective layer that helps the body defend itself against germs. Because germs from the outside can’t attach themselves so easily to a strong and healthy mucous membrane.  

CAPS hydro
Bladder health
90 caps

As you can see, these “undesirable” microorganisms aren’t easy to combat at all. Because of their individual properties, and sneaky tricks such as forming biofilm, a concentrated load of highly effective ingredients really is necessary. In keeping with the motto “together we move”, it is only by working together that the natural talents CAPS hydro can succeed in getting germs and bacteria out of the body, or keeping them away entirely. A single fruit or single extract could never achieve what the combined ingredients in CAPS hydro can do for us.


And what about the daily dosage?

The recommended daily dosage is 6 capsules. But don’t get freaked out by that! Taking 6 capsules a day is our recommendation if you’re experiencing discomfort in your nether regions. And if you have the feeling that something’s not quite right, you can take 6 capsules too. To keep your bladder happy and healthy, you can take between 3 and 6 capsules. So find out for yourself what daily dosage is best for you and your body.

Nonetheless, CAPS hydro naturally can’t replace a visit to the doctor and suitable treatment. In case of doubt, you should always consult a doctor.

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